Frequently Asked Questions: Bow Edition

Frequently Asked Questions:  Bow Edition

Q.   How often should I rosin my bow, and how do I tell when it needs rosin?

A.  The answer to this question depends on how often you play your violin.  I typically tell my beginning students to rosin their bows one to two times a week.  More advanced students will most likely want to rosin their bows more frequently.  To answer the second question, if you are a more advanced player you will be able to tell by how the bow responds on the string if you need more rosin or not.  For less experienced players, I suggested that they hold the bow and look directly down the bow hair. 

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How-to Buy Your First Violin

How-to Buy Your First Violin

Buying your first violin can be an exciting yet daunting experience.  Whether you are purchasing your first quality instrument after years of renting, or upgrading your original investment to a higher end instrument, there is often a never-ending list of questions that come along with the decision to buy.  Where do you go, what do you do once you get there, and how do you know if a violin is right for you?

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